Septic Tank Services in Raleigh
919-364-4154The Importance of Septic Tank Riser
Because the septic tank is buried under the ground, the accessing and locating the septic lid for the inspection and pumping of the tank may become very difficult, time-consuming, and costly. For these reasons, septic tank riser has become a simple addition that will provide an easy, cost-efficient solution to the problem of accessing the septic tank. It will also create a money-saving and time-saving way of accessing the tank for pumping, cleaning and other maintenance services.
What Exactly is a Septic Tank Riser?
A septic tank riser can be described as a plastic or concrete pipe that runs in a vertical line from the pump-out openings on the top of the septic tank to almost the ground level. Risers are missing from standard septic tank constructions today, and most especially the older models.
Risers are made from materials with higher durability against weather and all environmental conditions, especially in regions where seasonal freezing occurs. The typical tank riser may have a diameter measuring between 8 and 24 inches, while the length may depend on how far below the ground the tank is positioned. A secured lid normally covers the opening of the tank riser. Because it extends down to the septic tank from the surface of your lawn, it becomes a lot easier to access the septic tank for pumping, cleaning, inspection and other maintenance activities, easier.
The installation of a septic tank riser will help avoid searching and digging holes for a septic tank on your lawn. You will surely need easy access to your septic tank in order to carry out proper maintenance.
Installing a septic tank riser is straightforward especially when you know the location of your septic tank. You may want to call our service technician to probe the ground with an electronic location device or a bar before digging the ground around the access hole. The next step is to replace the lid to the access hole with the tank riser before the ground around the pipe is re-filled and the lid is placed on top of the pipe. Please contact us at Septic Pumping of Raleigh for the installation of a septic tank riser in your septic tank.
The Benefits of Installing a Tank Riser
One of the benefits of installing a tank riser is that it involves a one-time affordable cost. You will eventually discover that the riser is a great bargain because it will save time and costs of servicing and maintaining the septic tank system. There is no easier way to access your septic tank than the septic tank riser. Since septic tanks will require regular pumping every 2-3 years, it makes sense to facilitate the access of the tank with septic tank riser.
Another benefit of installing the tank riser is that it does not interfere with your daily activities in your home. It is installed in such a way that it flushes with the surface of your lawn and you will probably not notice it. Please give us a call at Septic Pumping of Raleigh to install a tank riser for your septic system or schedule septic tank cleaning services in your area.
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